10/29=YouTube:Song “My Way” and G20 (World) Leaders of 2016

10/29=YouTube:Song “My Way” and G20 (World) Leaders of 2016


016/10/29 に公開

A supervising editor:Takamasa Hamada.
A photographer:Takamasa Hamada.
A chorus:Kwansei Gakuin University Glee Club.
This work is an English version of ” A way to peace.” 
This work consists of two parts.

Advocating “the World Federation of Nations.”
Advocating a world without nuclear weapons and asking world leaders for going hand in hand.

About 60 photographs are taken by Takamasa Hamada. Only photograph of 20 leaders in the world were extracted from their own HP, Facebook or Twitter in principle. 

(1)G20 — World Leaders in 2016.
1: Obama (USA:president)
2: Abe (Japan:prime minister)
3: May (UK:prime minister) 
4: Merkel(Germany: prime minister)
5: Hollande(France:president)
6: Renzi(Italy: prime minister)
7: Trudeau(Canada: Prime minister)

8: Xi Jinping (China: president)
9: Putin(Russian: president)
10: Park Geun-hye(Korea: president)
11: Joko(Indonesia: president)
12: Mukherjee:(India: president)
13: Salman:(Saudi Arabia: prime minister & King)
14: Zuma(Republic of South Africa: president)
15: Michel(Brasil:president) 
16: Macri(Argentina: president)
17: Enrique Peña (Mexico: president)
18: Erdoğan(Turkey: president)
19: Turnbull(Austrarila: prime minister)

20: Tusk(EU: president)

(2)Places and purpose of photograph. 
1: The statue of the World Federation of Nations. (Executor: Seibo Kitamura)

2: Hiroshima→Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park; 
Children’s Peace Monument.
The Monument of “A teacher and school children who perished in the atomic bombing.”
Monument in Memory of the Korean Victims of the Atomic Bomb.
Please, see “Monument in Memory of North Korea” (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea). Atomic Bomb Dome.

3: Miyajima
Miyajima is famous for the Itsukushima Shrine. The historic shrine complex is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, together with Atomic Bomb Dome.
So, praying world peace in Miyajima.

4: Seoul: 
An Jung-geun (He was a Korean independence activist, …On October 26, 1909, he assassinated Itō Hirobumi, a four-time Prime Minister of Japan and former Resident-General of Korea).
The way (life) of An Jung-geun. 

5: Yamaguchi prefecture: Birthplace of Itō Hirobumi.
In 1885 he became Japan’s first Prime Minister. He is the most famous Prime minister in Japan.
The way (life) of Ito.

6: G20 Leaders In 2016. (I wish them to walk hand in hand.)

7: China (See hand in hand, in Suzhou)

8: USA (See hand in hand, in Las Vegas.)

9: Kobe luminarie. (Prayer for world peace)
10: Last scene. Again, the statue of the World Federation of Nations.

11: Supplement.
Kwansei Gakuin University. 
This is just a token of my gratitude for Kwansei Gakuin University Glee Club.

12: Nagasaki :Peace image (Peace Memorial elephant). 
This image (statue) was produced by Seibo Kitamura, who also produced the statue of the World Federation of Nations

“May Peace Prevail on Earth!” from the messenger for a great peace of mind, Takamasa Hamada.

My official HP
Yasuragi Bunko HP
My photograph HP

2016年11月3日 | カテゴリー :